Dr. Cyril Courtin is a surgeon specializing in hip surgery. He completed his medical training at the Lyon School of Orthopedic Surgery and gained experience as a Chief Resident in a high-quality hip surgery department at the Lyon Sud Hospital. His dedication to hip surgery led him to join the Inside The Hip team, where he further specialized in this field.
Dr. Courtin values surgical precision, technical and scientific expertise, a background in sports, and a collaborative approach, which were key factors in his decision to join the team. He practices at Clinique Trénel, located in the southern part of Lyon, and specializes in hip prosthesis surgery, prosthesis revisions, arthroscopy, and conservative hip surgery.
Dr. Courtin actively participates in the program of collegial consultations to provide his expertise and support to patients with challenging hip prostheses. Additionally, he is involved in various scientific projects related to hip surgery, which result in publications and scientific presentations.
![Dr Cyril Courtin: Hip replacement surgeon | Inside the Hip | Paris](https://www.chirurgiedelahanche.com/app/uploads/2021/10/inside-the-hip-chirurgien-hanche-paris-cover-dr-cyril-courtin.jpg)
![Le mot du chirurgien : Dr Idriss Tourabaly | Inside the hip](https://www.chirurgiedelahanche.com/app/uploads/2020/11/Rectangle-75.jpg)
The word of the surgeon
Orthopedic surgery is a true passion for me, one that I have cultivated over many years. My daily goal is to provide the best possible care to my patients. I firmly believe that the use of innovative techniques such as 3D planning, the anterior approach to the hip, arthroscopy, and custom prostheses can yield the best results.
However, I also understand that technique alone is not enough. Listening to the patient, showing empathy, and being available are values that I hold in high regard and identify with.
Dr. Cyril Courtin holds several academic qualifications and has completed various training programs in the field of orthopedic surgery. Here are his qualifications and training details:
- Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery Degree
- General Surgery Degree
- Doctorate Thesis – Highest Honors with Congratulations from the Jury
- University Diploma in Arthroscopy
- University Diploma in Ankle and Foot Surgery
- University Diploma in Musculoskeletal Pathology Related to Sports Practice
2016 – 2018
- Hospital Assistant at Lyon Hospitals
- Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery Department at Lyon Sud Hospital
- Faculty Clinical Chief
- Intern Lecturer
- Hospital Intern at Lyon Hospitals
- Temporary Lecturer at the Institute of Nursing Training
- Hospital Extern at Lille Hospitals
- Anatomy Instructor
Professional Memberships
- Member of the College of Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery
- Member of the French Society of Orthopedic and Traumatological Surgery
- Member of the French Society of Arthroscopy
Books and scientific journals
- Rédaction du chapitre “Prise en charge des lésions du labrum” – L’arthroscopie de hanche. Éditions Springer.
- Nogier A., Tourabaly I., Barreau X, Ramos-Pascual S, van Rooij F., Saffarini M., Courtin C., Little or No Differences in HIP Morphology Between Professional Dancers and Controls: A Systematic Review
- Nogier A., Tourabaly I., Barreau X, Ramos-Pascual S, van Rooij F., Saffarini M., Courtin C., Outcomes of primary total hip arthroplasty usin 3D image-based custom stems in unselected patients: a systematic review
- Jenny J-Y, Bulaid Y., Boisrenoult P., Bonin N., Henky P., Tracol P., Chouteau J., Courtin C., Henry M-P., Schwartz C., Mertl P., De Ladoucette A, the French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery, Traumatology (SofCOT), Bleeding and thromboembolism risk of standard antithrombotic prophylaxis after hip or knee replacement within an enhanced recovery program In Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research.
- Jenny J-Y, Bulaid Y., Boisrenoult P., Bonin N., Henky P., Tracol P., Chouteau J., Courtin C., Henry M-P., Schwartz C., Mertl P., De Ladoucette A, the French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery, Traumatology (SofCOT), Bleeding and thromboembolism risk of standard antithrombotic prophylaxis after hip or knee replacement within an enhanced recovery program In Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research.
- Jenny J-Y., Courtin C., Boisrenoult P., Chouteau J., Henky P., Schwartz C., De Ladoucette A.. Fast-track procedures after primary total knee arthroplasty reduce hospital stay by unselected patients: a prospective national multi-centre study. In International Orthopedics.
- De Ladoucette A., Mertl P., Henry M-P., Bonin N., Tracol P., Courtin C., Jenny J-Y, the French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SoFCOT), Fast track protocol for primary total hip arthroplasty in non-trauma cases reduces the length of hospital stay: Prospective French multicenter study In Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research.
- Jenny J-Y, Bulaid Y., Boisrenoult P., Bonin N., Henky P., Tracol P., Chouteau J., Courtin C., Henry M-P., Schwartz C., Mertl P., De Ladoucette A, the French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery, Traumatology (SofCOT), Bleeding and thromboembolism risk of standard antithrombotic prophylaxis after hip or knee replacement within an enhanced recovery program In Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research.
Submission of oral communications at SOFCOT 2019: “Voie antérieure de Hueter modifiée avec double incision : Sécurité et résultats cliniques”
“Restauration de l’antéversion fémorale dans l’arthroplastie totale de hanche : Tiges sur mesure vs tiges droites. Etude comparative”.
SOFCOT 2018 :
- “Member and speaker at the symposium” : “RAAC dans la prothèse totale de hanche et de genou”
- Courtin C., Viste A., Subtil F., Cantin O., Desmarchelier R., Fessy MH, Cementless lateralized stems in primary THA: Mid-term survival and risk factors for failure in 172 stems. In Orthop Traumatol Surg Res.
- Courtin C., Chotel F., Servien E., Lustig S, Neyret P., Rédaction du chapitre de l’Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale: « ostéochondrites disséquantes des condyles fémoraux de l’adulte et de l’enfant »
- Thesis for the DIU in Arthroscopy : “Positionnement 3D des tunnels osseux dans le syndrome du Cyclope”
- Chaudier P. Courtin C., Viste A., Fessy MH., Communications particulières SICOT 2016 (Rome) « Lateralized cemented stems in primary THA : Mid-term survival and risk factors of failure »
- Courtin C., Viste A., Subtil F., Cantin O., Desmarchelier R., Fessy MH., Communications particulières SOFCOT 2016 (Paris) « Anomalies symptomatiques du remodelage osseux autour des implants latéralisés non cimentés »
- Courtin C., Desmarchelier R., JL Besse JL. « Mise en place d’une filière « pied diabétique » au sein d’un CHU : Impact sur les résultats chirurgicaux. Etude avant-après»
- Weppe F., Courtin C., Guignand D., SFA 2016 (Paris) : E-Poster “Ostéotomie accourcissante de l’ulna associée au débridement arthroscopique dans le traitement des lésions dégénératives du ligament triangulaire du carpe”.
- Weppe F., Courtin C., Guignand D., Communications particulières GEM 2016 (Paris) « Mosaïcplastie du capitulum huméral – technique originale de traitement d’une fracture- enfoncement ostéochondrale »
- Weppe F., Courtin C., Guignand D.,« Traitement des séquelles de traumatismes de la main ou des doigts par lipofilling »
- Thesis for the DIU in Foot and Ankle Surgery entitled: « Mise en place d’une filière « pied diabétique » au sein d’un CHU : Impact sur les résultats chirurgicaux »
- Courtin C., Viste A., Fessy MH., Communications particulières a la SOFCOT 2015 : Impact de l’évasement fémoral dans les défauts d’intégration des tiges latéralisées Corail KHO. Etude Comparative
- Courtin C., Desmarchelier R., Besse JL., Mise en place d’une filière « pied diabétique » au sein d’un CHU : Impact sur les résultats chirurgicaux, (journées de l’AFCP)
“Writing chapters for the ECN preparation book. Ellipses Editions.”
- Courtin C., Mathieu L., Rongiéras F., Bertani A., Chauvin F., Syndrome des grosses mains et troubles factices : une association exceptionnelle et de mauvais pronostic. (In Chirurgie de la main)
Make an appointment with Docteur Cyril Courtin
Your surgeon can also see you by teleconsultation (video consultation) on Doctolib
To make an appointment with your practitioner, please contact :
- By telephone on 04 27 87 25 77
- By e-mail : secretaire.courtin@gmail.com