Following a hip prosthesis revision surgery, the postoperative recovery aims at enabling the patient to regain a stable, mobile, and pain-free joint. This recovery period spans several months and depends on the specific surgical procedure performed as well as the surgical approach used.

Hip prosthesis replacement: Postoperative Outcomes | Learn about the efficiency of this procedure in Paris | Inside the Hip

Immediate Post-Surgery

The first step following a hip prosthesis revision surgery is to regain autonomy, with the guidance of physical therapists during the hospital stay. Activities like getting up with or without support, walking with crutches for short distances, and climbing stairs should be mastered before returning home or going to a rehabilitation center. Bacteriological samples are usually taken during surgery, and the results help determine any necessary antibiotic treatment. Initial monitoring in the first few days also focuses on parameters like hemoglobin levels and other biological markers.

The Weeks Following Surgery

During the first weeks after surgery, caution is essential to avoid mechanical complications. Tissue healing around the hip takes over a month and a half. Osseointegration of implants, bone consolidation, and even more so, bone graft integration, are lengthy processes that take several months. Gradual crutches withdrawal occurs after confirming radiological consolidation and muscle recovery. If the revision was performed using a posterior approach, certain movements may be discouraged during the healing of the external rotator muscles. In the case of a straightforward revision, improvement may be noticeable in 2 to 3 months. However, if osteotomy and/or bone grafting were performed, the recovery period is typically between 4 and 6 months.

In this context, the patient’s active participation and the collaboration with the rehabilitation team are essential to ensure that prescribed measures are followed, which is crucial for the success of the hip prosthesis revision